
This document provides a tutorial for W3C's test framework, known as testharness.js, which you can download from its GitHub repository.

This tutorial does not assume that you are necessarily familiar with other test frameworks, but it does expect you to be reasonably proficient with JavaScript (since JavaScript APIs is what one tests using this).

If you are familiar with other test frameworks such as QUnit, Mocha, or Jasmine then you should find your way around here relatively easily.

Indeed, testharness.js is not very different from those, though it does have a number of features that make it particularly well suited to testing APIs implemented by the browser and exposed to JavaScript rather than those created in JavaScript directly.

This tutorial is actually designed to be runnable. The code you see in the right column is described on the left, but it is also ran as soon as you load this page. If you scroll to the bottom, you will see the results of this run.

This documentation was generated using Docco, and the idea behind the way in which it is done is shamelessly stolen from the Jasmine Documentation.

Getting Started

Let's get started with this code! The first thing you need to do to load testharness.js is to include it from a script element in the usual way. You can either download your own copy and set it up locally whichever way you want, or if you're writing a test for a W3C service you should just point to the W3C copy:

  <script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
  <script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>

At which point you might rightfully ask why there are two files. The reason for this is simple: the first one is the actual implementations, and the second one is empty. Why include an empty file? The idea is that when a specific vendor checks your test suite out, they can override the content of the testharnessreport.js file. This makes it possible for them to integrate running the test suite with whatever test reporting tool they may be using internally.

If you wish the HTML page into which your tests are being run to render results in a nice and convenient table, you should include an HTML element with ID log where you would like those results to appear. See the bottom of this document for an example.

Basic Testing

The most basic usage relies on the test() function, which takes a function with the code to run, a name of the test, and optionally a literal object providing some additional options.

test(function () {
}, "True really is true");

The given function must include at least one assertion; conversely, assertions can only appear in the context of a test function. A single test may contain multiple assertions, in which case it is considered to be atomic. That is to say that a single failed assertion will fail the test, whereas all are required to pass for the whole test to pass. A document can contain as many tests as you wish it to.

The example here contains two assertions, both of which pass.

test(function () {
}, "Truth is what you believe it to be");

But in this example one passes, while the other fails. This causes the entire test to be reported as a failure.

test(function () {
}, "All opinions are equally valid.");

In addition to a function and a name, test() can also accept a third parameter being a dictionary of options. Most of those options are documented in the Including Metadata section below.

The only general-purpose option that you can use is timeout. It takes a number of milliseconds (defaulting to 1000, which the brightest at maths amongst you will have recognised as being equivalent to one second). If the content of the test takes longer than timeout to run then the test is aborted and counted as a fail. Since some processing can take longer than one second to run, especially if you are performing a complex test in a low-end environment (e.g. a basic mobile phone) it can at times be useful to increase this limit as exemplified here.

test(function () {
    /* do something long and slow here */
}, "Long operation is successful", { timeout: 5000 });

Note that you do not want to use this for asynchronous operations (if only because it won't work). For those, see the section dedicated to that topic below.

Included Assertions

There is a good choice of assertions available by default. Most of those take the form assert_something(actual, expected, description) but several have different signatures. When a description is part of the signature, it is optional and a string intended for human consumption in order to provide a better description of which assertion exactly failed. If you don't provide it, you will get a default error message instead.

assert_true(actual, description) checks that actual is strictly equal to true, which is to say that it has to be the JavaScript true value and not just someting that evaluates as "truthy" such as 1 or "dahut".

test(function () {
    assert_true(true, "Truth is true");
    assert_true(1 === 1, "One is really one");
}, "Simple checks on truth");

assert_false(actual, description) is the same as assert_true but in reverse. It has the same strictness about its actual being JavaScript's false and not just "falsy" (e.g. 0, null)

test(function () {
    assert_false(false, "Falsity is false");
    assert_false(1 === 0, "One is not zero");
}, "Simple checks on falsity");

assert_equals(actual, expected, description) checks that actual and expected have the same value (and are in fact the same object). Note that this comparison is strict and that you should not rely on whatever automatic type conversions that JavaScript may perform on comparisons.

test(function () {
    assert_equals("dahut", "da" + "hut", "String concatenation");
    assert_equals(42, 6 * 7, "The ultimate answer");
}, "Simple checks on equality");

assert_not_equals(actual, expected, description) is the reverse of assert_equals and checks that its /actual/ and /expected/ are not the same. The same caveat on comparison strictness applies, so that values that may seem very similar are still not equal.

test(function () {
    assert_not_equals("dahut", "myth", "String comparison");
    assert_not_equals(42, "42", "The ultimate answer");
}, "Simple checks on unequality");

assert_in_array(actual, expected, description) checks that actual is in the array provided in expected. Any odd member will do, but note that it will not recurse into the array if it is multidimensional.

test(function () {
                    "chupacabra dahut unicorn".split(" "),
                    "Dahut hunting");
    assert_in_array(2017, [42, 47, 62, 2017] , "Lottery");
}, "Simple checks on membership");

assert_array_equals(actual, expected, description) takes an array for both actual and expected, and validates that they have the same length and that each item is assert_equals its corresponding member in the other array. Just like the previous assertion, this is unidimensional.

test(function () {
    assert_array_equals(["chupacabra", "dahut", "unicorn"],
                        "chupacabra dahut unicorn".split(" "),
                        "Dahut hunting");
    assert_array_equals([4, 9, 16],
                        [2, 3, 4].map(function (x) { return x * x; }),
}, "Checks on identical membership");

assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, epsilon, description) takes a numerical actual value and checks that it is within epsilon of expected. This is notably useful for floating point calculations in which you know that some drift may occur and you need to check that the outcome is within a given ballpark — but it can also be used in other cases.

test(function () {
    assert_approx_equals(Math.PI, 3.14, 0.01, "Roughly circular");
    assert_approx_equals(42, 47, 5, "47 is almost 42");
}, "Checks on epsilon equality");

assert_regexp_match(actual, expected, description) checks that actual matches the expected regular expression. The latter can be as simple or complex as you wish to make it, and can be created with flags.

test(function () {
                        "That's my title");
    assert_regexp_match("A", /a/i, "Matching lowercase");
}, "Checks using regular expressions");

assert_own_property(object, property_name, description) checks that object has a property that is truly its own (as opposed to inherited down the prototype chain). JavaScripters will recognise this as checking hasOwnProperty. If you don't know about this important method, you can read up about it on MDN.

test(function () {
    var gollum = { ring: "MIIIIINE!!!!" };
    assert_own_property(gollum, "ring", "Tricksy hobbitses!");
    /* this will fail even though `gollum` has `toString`. */
                        "I have that property, but it'ssss not mine.");
}, "Checks for property ownership");

assert_inherits(object, property_name, description) complements assert_own_property in that it similarly checks that the attribute is available on the object, but asserts that it is not the object's own property but rather has been inherited down the prototype chain.

test(function () {
    var gollum = { ring: "MIIIIINE!!!!" };
    /* this will succeed here */
                    "I have that property, but it'ssss not mine.");
                    "This one works too.");
}, "Checks for property inheritance");

assert_idl_attribute(object, attribute_name, description) is the same as assert_inherits and simply aliases it. For clarity, you may be better off sticking to the previous one.

assert_readonly(object, property_name, description) checks that the given property_name on object is properly read-only and therefore cannot be set.

test(function () {
    assert_readonly(document, "nodeType", "You cannot change nodeType.");
}, "Checks for attribute readonlyness");

assert_throws(code, func, description) is a powerful way of checking that code throws when and how you expect it to, knowing that the code in func is what must trigger the exception. This assertion works differently depending on what you pass for code.

If code is null, then any old exception will do (this is not a particularly recommended check as the others are more useful).

test(function () {
                  function () { document.appendChild(document); },
                  "Specific DOM exception.");
}, "Checks for exceptions (null)");

If code is any kind of object, then its name attribute is checked. That attribute must match the name attribute on the exception being thrown. This means that you can pass a specific DOMException object here and have it match if it's what is being thrown.

test(function () {
    assert_throws({ name: "Bad Kitten!" },
                  function () { throw { name: "Bad Kitten!"}; },
                  "Any exception with the right name.");
}, "Checks for exceptions (object)");

If code is a string then it must be one of the commonly recognised DOMException names, and it checks that func throws the corresponding DOMException. For compatibility with older browsers, the old exception contacts are supported and mapped to the newer name; so for instance you can use WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR to mean WrongDocumentError. The latter style is preferred however.

test(function () {
                  function () { document.appendChild(document); },
                  "Specific DOM exception.");
}, "Checks for exceptions (string)");

assert_unreached(description) is a very simple assertion the role of which is to check that some code is indeed unreachable. It only takes a description, and simply always throws its hands up in disgust whenever it is called. Opposite here you can see a case in which it is successful (since untouched).

test(function () {
    if (true) return "where you came from";
    assert_unreached("Can't Touch This");
}, "Simple check on unreachability");

Whereas this one fails because the code reaches it.

test(function () {
    assert_unreached("Reaching where no coder has reached before");
}, "Failed check on unreachability");

Asynchronous Testing

It is increasingly rare for Web APIs to be entirely synchronous. Many of the modern ones are very careful to be asynchronous whenever an operation may take a little time and therefore freeze the main thread. Testing asynchronous APIs is naturally different from testing synchronous code since results from asynchronous calls by their very nature do not follow the nicely linear flow of synchronous calls.

Thankfully, testharness.js makes testing asynchronous APIs pretty much just as easy as testing synchronous APIs, with all the assertions being the same and only some small details of how the tests are set up being different. We will start with an example testing that setTimeout works.

First, instead of calling test(func, name, options) we call async_test(name, options) and hold on to its return value — the latter is the object with which we will interact to control the flow of our asynchronous test. As you can see, the name and options parameters that async_test() accepts are exactly the same as those used by test(), and options is just as optional.

var stTest = async_test("Testing setTimeout()");

We will use our setTimeout call to perform an assertion, and flag that the test is over. This will cancel the timeout and if the assertion is successful (in our case it trivially is) then the test passes. This is performed with two operations: first, the step() method is used to define the individual test to be run (just as with the first argument to test()); second, the done() method is called to tell testharness.js that the entire test has run.

setTimeout(function () {
    stTest.step(function () {
        assert_true(true, "Truth is asynchronously true.");
}, 10);

It is often the case that in testing asynchronous code one needs to assign event handlers to specific onfoo fields of an object. This can be done with step() but it is somewhat cumbersome since that call to step() needs itself to be wrapped inside a function. There is a shortcut for precisely this usage: step_func. What it does is take a function exactly like step() does, but returns a function that can be used directly as an event handler. The XHR example opposite makes use of that facility.

var xhrTest = async_test("Testing XHR access")
,   xhr
/* this in a step because it could throw */
xhrTest.step(function () {
    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "using-testharness.html");
    xhr.onreadystatechange = xhrTest.step_func(function (ev) {
        assert_true(ev.isTrusted, "readystatechange is a trusted event");
        assert_false(ev.bubbles, "readystatechange is does not bubble");

Including Metadata

If you are writing tests for inclusion in the W3C Testing Framework (and if you're writing those tests for a W3C group, then you really should), then this section can be of interest to you. If not, you can safely skip it.

In order to best integrate into the Testing Framework, your tests ought to have metadata. If you have only one test per HTML file, then your test metadata should be contained in the <head> section of your document and, again, you can safely skip over this section. If, however, you wish to include an entire test suite in a single document (which you certainly can do) then it is useful to specify test metadata for every call to test().

This can be achieved very simply by providing the test metadata as part of the third parameter to test() which we have seen earlier. There are four fields that you can use: help which is a pointer to the section of the specification that this test is exercising; assert which is a description of what your test is asserting; author which is simply the author of the test; and flags which is a space separated list of flags specific to this test. Each of these fields will accept a sinlge string or an array of strings if there are multiple values. The author field should contain the author's name and contact URL, either http(s):, or . See the test suite's documentation for a list of valid flags. All metadata provided per test will be added to any file-scoped metadata found in the <head> section of the document. Metadata that is common to all tests in a file should be placed in the <head>.

test(function () {
        assert_true(true, "The spec says it's true.");
,   "True is true as per spec"
,   {
        help:   ["", 
    ,   assert: "Truth is true, you know."
    ,   author: "Robin Berjon <>"
    ,   flags: "svg animated"

Advanced Usage

Most users should not need this section. Read it if you are trying to achieve something complex that is not working, or if you are curious — but don't worry if it does not seem to make much sense as oftentimes you will not need it.

Complex Setup

Sometimes it is important either to perform complex setup operations for a test run, or to modify the overall behaviour of the test run, or both. These can be performed by using the setup(func, properties). Either of its arguments is optional, so it can also be called as setup(func) and setup(properties).

Once the first test has run, any call to setup() is immediately short-circuited so none of the examples in this section actually do anyting (you're expected to only have one setup() anyway) but they are still useful for their illustrative value.

Essentially, anything that happens in setup()'s function (when used) stays in setup()'s function. This allows massive failure to happen there and for the test to still attempt a run.

setup(function () {
    throw new Error("BOOM!");

The properties parameter is a dictionary that can take four fields.

timeout: ms. This sets the timeout not for a single test (as with the other timeout option) but rather for the entire set of tests in the page. You can use this if you are concerned about the entire run being slow even though individual tests may not be triggering their own timeouts.

/* time out after 20 seconds */
setup({ timeout: 20000 });

explicit_done: true | false. Normally, a test run is considered complete (and the report generated, etc.) whenever the document's load event triggers and all synchronous tests have reported values (or timed out), and if there are asynchronous tests when those have either run or timed out as well. In other words, under normal operations the system knows how to guess when a test run is complete and does not need you to tell it. You may wish to override this behaviour if you are doing something that could confuse the system, such as for instance asynchronously loading or generating new tests. If that is the case, then set explicit_done to true and when you know you're done with all the tests you want to run, call the global done() function yourself.

It is important to note that if you wish to use explicit_done you must set it to true before the load event triggers. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time wondering why nothing is working in the way you expect.

setup({ explicit_done: true });
/* ... at some point later... */

output_document: Document. By default the runner will log the test results inside an element with an ID of log inside the same document that the tests are being run in. This works well for the vast majority of cases, but in some situations you will want something different. The test run document may be included in a larger one in which you would like to see the test to appear, or you may wish to open a popup or new tab and write the results there. More typically, if you are running tests inside an SVG document, providing a log element will do you little good unless it can be rendered as HTML. In that case, you will want to redirect the output to an HTML document. For all of those, just pass a Document object to output_document.

setup({ output_document: window.parent.contentDocument });
setup({ output_document: document.getElementById("someIFrame").contentDocument });

explicit_timeout: true | false. In some cases you don't want to handle timeouts yourself at all (typically because your tests are being run in the context of a larger test runner that is controlling timeouts on your behalf). If that is the case, then simply set explicit_timeout to true and have whatever is in charge of controlling timeouts call the global timeout() function directly.

setup({ explicit_timeout: true });
/* ... at some point later if there really is a time out... */


At times when you wish to report issues in a test suite, or simply log something during development, it can be very valueable to produce output that is more human-oriented than what toString() is most likely to provide most of the time (there is only so much you can infer from [object Object]). For those times, simply use the global format_value(value). It knows how to format arrays (by recursing into them), strings with control characters, JavaScript core types including negative zero, and the more important DOM Node types.

format_value([-0, Infinity]);

Generating Tests

Writing tests can be a very repetitive endeavour. At times, you simply need to call the same assertion on a long list of actual and expected values, and when that happens the overhead of the testing boilerplate, no matter how lightweight it has been made to be, can seem overwhelming.

In order to make your life ever so simpler, testharness.js provides a very simple function that will call the same assertion repeatedly on a list of actual and expected values each described by a name. The signature for that is generate_tests(assert_something, [ [name, actual, expected], ...]).

generate_tests(assert_equals, [
                                [ "Square of 2", 2 * 2, 4 ]
                            ,   [ "Square of 3", 3 * 3, 9 ]
                            ,   [ "Square of 4", 4 * 4, 16 ]
                            ,   [ "Square of 5", 5 * 5, 25 ]
                            ,   [ "Square of 6", 6 * 6, 36 ]


At times it can be useful to know what is going on inside the test harness so that you can react to it and build your own behaviour (for instance, producing your own reports or integrating with a larger testing system that you may be using).

For that purpose, testharness.js provides a set of events that you can be informed of if you so desire. The first way in which you can be notified of these events is, if you are in the same context as the tests being run and can run code before they start, to simply register some callbacks. The second way to be notified is if you are running the test in its own iframe (or object element) contained in the document that is your context (any level down) by creating a function with a specific name that will be called for you. (Be careful with this latter approach that these calls will not happen across origin boundaries).

start. Setup has happened and the first test has been created. This is the point at which your wrapper can do its own setup.

/* in same context */
add_start_callback(function () {
    console.log("The tests have started running.");
/* in enclosing context */
function start_callback () {
    console.log("The tests have started running.");

result. Happens whenever a result is produced. It receives a Test object that has a status field which can be compared to the PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT, or NOTRUN fields on the same object, meaning respectively that the test has passed, failed, timed out, or hasn't run at all; and a message field providing the error message, if any.

/* in same context */
add_result_callback(function (res) {
    console.log("Result received", res);
/* in enclosing context */
function result_callback (res) {
    console.log("Result received", res);

complete. Happens when the test run has terminated (successfully or not). It receives an array of Test objects just like the one passed to result corresponding to all the results, and a status object describing the state of the entire run, which has a status field which can be compared to the OK, ERROR, and TIMEOUT fields on the same object and respectively mean that the suite has entirely succeeded, that it has failed, or that there has been a time out.

/* in same context */
add_completion_callback(function (allRes, status) {
    console.log("Test run completed", allRes, status);
/* in enclosing context */
function completion_callback (allRes, status) {
    console.log("Test run completed", allRes, status);


As promised this is a self-runnable document that includes the results for the test suite specified by the code in the right column above. You can see the results below:

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This project is funded by the European Union through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2010-2012) under grant agreement n°257800 - Mobile Web Applications (MobiWebApp).